Sao paulo pass Learn to pass the closed guard when your opponent has a strong overhook. gi, advanced, pass guardKayle QuinnNovember 9, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection8, guard pass, guard break, closed guard, overhook, sao paulo, toziComment
Halfguard backstep into the saddle Backstep from halfguard into the saddle position to attack the legs. advanced, no gi, submissionKayle QuinnOctober 17, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection8, leglock, leg lock, kneebar, saddle, heelhook, inside heelhookComment
Halfguard backstep to kneebar-toehold combo Backstep into a kneebar position and attack a toehold to set up the kneebar. advanced, no gi, submissionKayle QuinnOctober 14, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection8, leglock, leg lock, kneebar, toe hold, backstepComment
Halfguard backstep to kneebar How to enter a kneebar by backstepping from halfguard. no gi, advanced, submissionKayle QuinnOctober 12, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection8, no-gi, leg lock, leglock, kneebar, backstepComment
Legweave pass Transition to the leg weave pass when your opponent blocks your knee slice pass. gi, advanced, pass guardKayle QuinnAugust 22, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, leg weave, guard pass, side smash, standingComment
Arm weave to leg weave pass: Ezekial choke Finish your opponent with an arm in Ezekiel choke after passing their guard. gi, advanced, pass guard, submissionKayle QuinnJuly 29, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, arm weave, leg weave, guard pass, submission, choke, ezekialComment
Arm weave to leg weave pass Transition from arm weave pass to leg weave pass when your opponent defends. gi, advanced, pass guardKayle QuinnJuly 27, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard pass, leg weave, arm weaveComment
Closed guard toplock to inverted armbar Spin under your opponent when he stacks you and finish with an inverted armbar. guard, no gi, submission, advancedKayle QuinnJuly 11, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, closed guard, armbar, armlock, inverted, counterComment
50/50 inside heelhook 4 Breaking opponents balance when they stand to defend the heelhook from 50/50. advanced, no gi, submission, sweepKayle QuinnJune 10, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, leglock, heelhook, 5050, 50/50Comment
50/50 inside heelhook 3 How to adjust the placement of your opponents foot to attack the inside heelhook from 50/50. advanced, guard, no gi, submissionKayle QuinnJune 8, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, heelhook, leglock, 5050, 50/50Comment
50/50 inside heelhook 2 Break your opponents defense to attack the inside heelhook from 50/50. no gi, guard, submission, advancedKayle QuinnJune 6, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, inside heelhook, 5050, 50/50, heelhook, leglockComment
50/50 inside heelhook 1 Learn basic strategies for keeping yourself safe in 50/50 while attacking the inside heelhook. advanced, no gi, submissionKayle QuinnJune 3, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, heelhook, 5050, fifty fifty, 50/50, leglockComment
Open guard to x-guard to triangle Learn the best way to triangle your opponent from x-guard when they counter your sweep. gi, advanced, guard, submissionKayle QuinnJune 1, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, triangle, x-guard, submissionComment
Over Under counter rolling crucifix Learn the details of how to counter the over under pass with a rolling crucifix. gi, advanced, guardKayle QuinnMay 16, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, counter, over under, crucifixComment
Over Under pass counter shoulder drag crucifix Learn how to counter the Over Under pass with a crucifix. gi, advanced, guardKayle QuinnMay 13, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, guard retention, counter, shoulder drag, crucifix, over underComment
Double under guard retention to sweep Kayle Quinn teaches how to sweep opponent when they counter your triangle attempt while passing with a double under or over under. gi, advanced, sweep, guardKayle QuinnMay 11, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, guard retention, double under, sweepComment
Omoplata counter driving pressure Kayle Quinn teaches how to sweep your opponent when they counter your omoplata by driving their weight into you. gi, advanced, guard, submission, sweepKayle QuinnMay 4, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, omoplata, sweep, submission, counterComment
Spider guard & collar sleeve lasso to omoplata drill Kayle Quinn teaches a drill to enter into the omoplata from spider guard and collar and sleeve lasso guard. gi, drill, advanced, guard, submissionKayle QuinnApril 30, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, spider guard, collar and sleeve, open guard, omoplata, lasso guardComment
Spider Lasso Guard to omoplata Kayle Quinn teaches a omoplata attack from Spider Lasso guard. gi, advanced, guard, submissionKayle QuinnApril 25, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, spider guard, lasso guard, submissionComment
Double under guard retention omoplata counter Kayle Quinn teaches how to counter your opponents reaction to the omoplata. gi, advanced, guard, sweepKayle QuinnApril 20, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, omoplata, counterComment