In the beginning, Jiu Jitsu can seem a bit overwhelming. Let’s face it, you don’t know what you don’t know… yet. These are some of the fundamental movements that will make your progress thru Jiu Jitsu a lot smoother. Slow is smooth and Sooth is fast. So make sure you take the time to understand and become proficient in these movements during the first 8 weeks of your Jiu Jitsu journey. You will use them throughout your Jiu Jitsu career.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the fundamental Jiu Jitsu movement, the front roll.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the most important fundamental movement in Jiu Jitsu, the basic shrimp.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the fundamental Jiu Jitsu movement, the seated shrimp.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the fundamental Jiu Jitsu movement, the technical stand up.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the fundamental Jiu Jitsu movement, the inverted roll.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the fundamental Jiu Jitsu movement, the half inverted roll.
Kayle Quinn teaches you the fundamental Jiu Jitsu movement, the shoulder roll to break fall.