Guard retention against cross step pass How to retain your guard when opponent attempts a cross step pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 19, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, cross stepComment
Guard retention against throw by pass How to retain your guard when someone attempts a throw by pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 16, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, throw by, open guardComment
Guard retention against leg drag pass Retain your guard when your opponent attempts the leg drag pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 14, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, leg drag, open guardComment
Double under counter: sweep When your opponent attempts to pass your guard with double unders and you attempt to shoulder lock them but it fails, you can still sweep them with this technique. gi, guard, sweepKayle QuinnMay 23, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, sweep, guard retention, double underComment
Double under pass counter: Shoulder lock Learn how to counter your opponents Double Under pass attempt with a sneaky shoulder lock. gi, guard, submissionKayle QuinnMay 20, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, guard retention, shoulder lockComment
Over Under pass counter shoulder drag crucifix Learn how to counter the Over Under pass with a crucifix. gi, advanced, guardKayle QuinnMay 13, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, guard retention, counter, shoulder drag, crucifix, over underComment
Double under guard retention to sweep Kayle Quinn teaches how to sweep opponent when they counter your triangle attempt while passing with a double under or over under. gi, advanced, sweep, guardKayle QuinnMay 11, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, guard retention, double under, sweepComment
Double under guard retention to triangle choke 2 Kayle Quinn teaches another way to triangle choke when the opponent attempts a double under guard pass. gi, escape, submission, guardKayle QuinnMay 9, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, guard retention, triangle, submission, double underComment
Double under guard retention omoplata counter Kayle Quinn teaches how to counter your opponents reaction to the omoplata. gi, advanced, guard, sweepKayle QuinnApril 20, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, omoplata, counterComment
Double under guard retention to omoplata Kayle Quinn teaches how to omoplata your opponent when the try the double under guard pass. gi, drill, guard, submissionKayle QuinnApril 18, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, omoplataComment
Double Under guard retention drill 2 Kayle Quinn teaches a guard retention drill against the double under guard pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnApril 15, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, double underComment
Double Under guard retention drill Kayle Quinn teaches a guard retention drill against the double under guard pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnApril 13, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, double underComment