Self defense clinch: far distance How to maintain a safe distance and enter the clinch when the aggressor is at a distance and the fight is certain. beginner, no gi, self defense, takedownKayle QuinnSeptember 2, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, self defense, clinch, striking, strike, distance management, standingComment
Self defense clinch: close range How to prepare the clinch when the person is close but the fight is uncertain. beginner, no gi, self defense, takedownKayle QuinnAugust 31, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, self defense, clinch, distance, striking, takedown, bianaComment
Ankle pick to armlock Brandon Hatchett teaches the ankle pick counter to the single leg passing the guard and finishing with a armlock. no gi, pass guard, submission, takedown, wrestlingKayle QuinnMarch 1, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, ankle pick, armlock, guard pass, wrestlingComment
Single leg counter ankle pick Brandon Hatchett teaches the ankle pick counter to the single leg. advanced, takedown, wrestling, no giKayle QuinnFebruary 25, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, wrestling, ankle pick, counter, single legComment
Wrestling single leg counter whizzer drag Brandon Hatchett teaches a whizzer drag counter to the single leg takedown. no gi, takedown, wrestlingKayle QuinnFebruary 23, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, single leg, counter, dragComment
Wrestling double leg drill Brandon Hatchett teaches a double leg takedown wrestling drill. beginner, drill, no gi, takedown, wrestlingKayle QuinnFebruary 16, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, wrestling, double leg, drillComment
Duck under; Wrist control How to do a duck under when opponent has wrist control. wrestling, takedown, no giKayle QuinnJune 27, 2020section3, duck under, wrist controlComment
Duck under; Basic inside ties How to do a basic duck under using inside ties. wrestling, takedown, no gi, beginnerKayle QuinnJune 20, 2020section3, basic, duck underComment
Arm drag entry: Elbow to elbow How to set up an arm drag when your opponent controls your wrist. wrestling, takedown, no giKayle QuinnJune 13, 2020section3, wrist control, arm drag Comment
Arm drag entry: Wrist control How to set up an arm drag by controlling your opponents wrist. wrestling, takedown, no gi, beginnerKayle QuinnJune 6, 2020section3, basic, arm dragComment
Arm drag entry: Wax-off How to set up an arm drag by circling your hand inside opponents tie. wrestling, takedown, no gi, beginnerKayle QuinnMay 30, 2020arm drag, basic, section3Comment
Single leg finish when sprawled on How to finish the single leg when your opponent sprawls and you are on your knees. wrestling, takedown, no giKayle QuinnMay 23, 2020single leg, basic, section3Comment
Self Defense Headlock Escape; Posture Broken Basic Gracie Jiu Jitsu self defense headlock escape when your posture gets broken. gi, self defense, takedown, submission, escape, beginnerKayle QuinnMay 18, 2020section3, headlock, relson, basicComment
Self Defense Headlock Escape; Posture Broken 2 Basic Gracie Jiu Jitsu self defense headlock escape when your posture gets broken and attacker adjusts to avoid the previous escape. gi, escape, beginner, self defense, takedown, submissionKayle QuinnMay 18, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection3, relson, headlock, basic, armlockComment
Single leg adjustment How to adjust your positioning to finish the single leg when your opponent tries to defend. wrestling, takedown, no giKayle QuinnMay 16, 2020single leg, basic, section3Comment
Self defense bear hug from behind; Over arms Basic Gracie self defense technique against a bear hug from behind going over the arms. gi, escape, self defense, takedownKayle QuinnMay 11, 2020section2, relson, gracie, bear hug, basicComment
Fake shot to far side ankle pick Using a fake shot to front headlock to set up a far side ankle pick. wrestling, takedown, advanced, no giKayle QuinnMay 8, 2020section2, ankle pick, front headlockComment
Self defense choke from behind Basic Gracie Jiu Jitsu self defense technique against a choke from behind. gi, beginner, escape, self defense, takedownKayle QuinnMay 6, 2020section2, relson, gracie, basic, hip tossComment
Self defense choke from behind; Pulling Basic Gracie self defense technique against a choke from behind when opponent is pulling you backwards. gi, escape, beginner, self defense, takedownKayle QuinnMay 6, 2020section2, relson, gracie, basicComment
Self defense collar grab; Palm-up Basic Gracie Jiu Jitsu self defense technique against a palm up collar grip. gi, beginner, escape, self defense, takedown, submissionKayle QuinnApril 29, 2020section2, gracie, relson, basic, wristlockComment