Guard retention against cross step pass How to retain your guard when opponent attempts a cross step pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 19, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, cross stepComment
Guard retention against throw by pass How to retain your guard when someone attempts a throw by pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 16, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, throw by, open guardComment
Guard retention against leg drag pass Retain your guard when your opponent attempts the leg drag pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 14, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, leg drag, open guardComment
Open Guard collar & pant guard retention Learn the subtle details of maintaining your open guard using a collar and pant grip. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnJune 17, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, open guard, collar and sleeve, collar and pant, basic, sweep, retentionComment
Spider guard & collar sleeve lasso to omoplata drill Kayle Quinn teaches a drill to enter into the omoplata from spider guard and collar and sleeve lasso guard. gi, drill, advanced, guard, submissionKayle QuinnApril 30, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, spider guard, collar and sleeve, open guard, omoplata, lasso guardComment
Spider Lasso Guard drill Kayle Quinn teaches a Spider Lasso guard drill. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnApril 22, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection6, spider guard, lasso guard, drillComment
Double under guard retention to omoplata Kayle Quinn teaches how to omoplata your opponent when the try the double under guard pass. gi, drill, guard, submissionKayle QuinnApril 18, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, omoplataComment
Double Under guard retention drill 2 Kayle Quinn teaches a guard retention drill against the double under guard pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnApril 15, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, double underComment
Double Under guard retention drill Kayle Quinn teaches a guard retention drill against the double under guard pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnApril 13, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, guard retention, double underComment
Wrestling single leg defense Brandon Hatchett teaches a single leg takedown defense wrestling drill. drill, no gi, wrestling, escapeKayle QuinnFebruary 18, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, wrestling, single leg, defenseComment
Wrestling double leg defense drill Brandon Hatchett teaches a double leg takedown defense wrestling drill. beginner, drill, no gi, wrestlingKayle QuinnFebruary 16, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, double leg, defenseComment
Wrestling double leg drill Brandon Hatchett teaches a double leg takedown wrestling drill. beginner, drill, no gi, takedown, wrestlingKayle QuinnFebruary 16, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, wrestling, double leg, drillComment
Grip break drill for Spider Guard Kayle Quinn teaches a drill to break your opponents grips on your legs and entering spider guard. drill, giKayle QuinnFebruary 9, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, grip break, drill, spider guard, sportComment
Spider guard pass drill 3 Kayle Quinn teaches a spider guard passing drill in the adult class. gi, drill, pass guardKayle QuinnJanuary 20, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, spider guard, guard pass, drillComment
Spider guard pass drill 2 Kayle Quinn teaches a spider guard passing drill in the adult class. gi, drill, pass guardKayle QuinnJanuary 18, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, spider guard, guard pass, leg drag, drillComment
Spider guard pass drill 1 Kayle Quinn teaches a spider guard passing drill in the adult class. gi, drill, pass guardKayle QuinnJanuary 18, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, spider guard, guard passComment
Basic Guard Retention 3: Alternative Turtle Kayle Quinn teaches a basic guard retention skill building drill using the turtle, as an alternative to the inverted roll. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnJuly 23, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, retention, turtle, basicComment
Basic Guard Retention 3: Inverted Roll Kayle Quinn teaches a basic guard retention skill building drill using the inverted roll. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnJuly 21, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, retention, inverted, basicComment
Basic Guard Retention 2: Leg Pummel Kayle Quinn teaches a basic guard retention skill building drill using the leg pummel. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnJuly 17, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, retention, drill, leg pummel, basicComment
Basic Guard Retention 1: Shin Shield Kayle Quinn teaches a basic guard retention skill building drill using the shin shield. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnJuly 13, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, drill, basic, retention, shin shieldComment