Ankle pick to armlock Brandon Hatchett teaches the ankle pick counter to the single leg passing the guard and finishing with a armlock. no gi, pass guard, submission, takedown, wrestlingKayle QuinnMarch 1, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, ankle pick, armlock, guard pass, wrestlingComment
Single leg counter ankle pick Brandon Hatchett teaches the ankle pick counter to the single leg. advanced, takedown, wrestling, no giKayle QuinnFebruary 25, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, wrestling, ankle pick, counter, single legComment
Fake shot to far side ankle pick Using a fake shot to front headlock to set up a far side ankle pick. wrestling, takedown, advanced, no giKayle QuinnMay 8, 2020section2, ankle pick, front headlockComment
Fake shot to ankle pick takedown Use a fake shot to front headlock as the set up to the ankle pick takedown. no gi, wrestling, takedown, advancedKayle QuinnApril 24, 2020section2, ankle pick, set upComment