Guard retention against leg drag pass Retain your guard when your opponent attempts the leg drag pass. gi, drill, guardKayle QuinnSeptember 14, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, guard retention, leg drag, open guardComment
Footlock to legdrag Transition to a leg drag when your opponent defends the footlock. no gi, guard, sweep, pass guardKayle QuinnAugust 26, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, no-gi, footlock, leg drag, sweepComment
Spider guard pass drill 2 Kayle Quinn teaches a spider guard passing drill in the adult class. gi, drill, pass guardKayle QuinnJanuary 18, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, spider guard, guard pass, leg drag, drillComment
Foot Lock to Leg Drag Jason Takemura teaches how to come up in a leg drag when opponent defends the foot lock. no gi, sweep, pass guardKayle QuinnAugust 17, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, leg dragComment
Dela Riva Pass; Longstep to Leg Drag Passing the Dela Riva guard with a long step and transitioning to a leg drag. gi, advanced, pass guardKayle QuinnMay 29, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection3, dela riva, sport, long step, leg dragComment