Footlock counter Submit your opponent when he tries to footlock you. no gi, submissionKayle QuinnAugust 29, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, footlock, counter, defense, lins lock, toe holdComment
Footlock to legdrag Transition to a leg drag when your opponent defends the footlock. no gi, guard, sweep, pass guardKayle QuinnAugust 26, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, no-gi, footlock, leg drag, sweepComment
Belly down footlock Use the belly down footlock when your opponent defends the straight footlock. no gi, guard, submissionKayle QuinnAugust 24, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection7, no-gi, submission, footlock, belly downComment
Lins lock Jason Takemura teaches the Lins lock counter against a opponent who is attacking the legs. advanced, no gi, submissionKayle QuinnFebruary 6, 2021HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection5, lins lock, submission, footlock, no-giComment
Berimbolo Counter: Footlock Ken Ledesma teaches the footlock counter to the berimbolo. gi, advanced, submissionKayle QuinnAugust 30, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsport, footlock, berimbolo, counter, section4
Belly Down Foot Lock Jason Takemura teaches how to finish a belly down foot lock when opponent defends. no gi, submissionKayle QuinnAugust 11, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, footlock, belly downComment
Single X 1: To Foot Lock Jason Takemura teaches how to enter into single leg x guard and finish with a straight foot lock. no gi, guard, submissionKayle QuinnJuly 30, 2020HNL JIU JITSU ACADEMYsection4, footlock, single x, shin to shin, ashi garamiComment
Outer Bolo 3 Sweep > Outer Bolo > Back Choke guard, advanced, giKayle QuinnApril 15, 2020berimbolo, footlock, inverted, section1Comment
Outer Bolo 2 Sweep > Outer Bolo > Back > Armlock advanced, guard, giKayle QuinnApril 15, 2020berimbolo, back take, footlock, section1Comment
Outer Bolo Berimbolo variation from footlock position. advanced, guard, giKayle QuinnApril 15, 2020footlock, berimbolo, back take, section1Comment